weight: 104 pounds
waist: 27.5 inches
The crown-to-rump length of the embryo is 0.9 to 1.2 inches (22-30 mm). This is about the size os a medium green olive. Your baby's arms and legs are longer. Hands are flexed at the wrist and meet over the heart area. They continue to extend in front of the body. Fingers are longer, and the tips are slightly enlarged where touch pads are developing. The feet are approaching the midline of the body and may be long enough to meet in front of the torso. The head is more erect, and the neck is more developed. The eyelids almost cover the eyes. Up to this time, the eyes have been uncovered. External ears are evident and well formed. Your baby now movesits body and limbs. This movement may be seen during an ultrasound exam. The baby looks more recognizable as a human being, although it is still extremely small. It is probably impossible to distinguish a male from a female. External organs (external genitalia) of the male and female appear very similar and will not be distinguishable for another few weeks.
It has been such a busy week that I haven't had much time to even think about all of this pregnancy stuff. This is a good thing. The nausea comes and goes but is mostly in the afternoons and is relatively mild. I am pretty tired much of the time but am averaging about 12-15 hours of sleep between my evening nap and night-time sleep so I am not totally exhausted or anything like that. Generally I feel just fine. One weird thing is I really am not running to the restroom all the time like I thought I would be at this point. I drink a ton of water but really don't feel I need to go pee any more now that I already was. Also, I don't need to get up at night to go either. It is kind of strange. I do spend a good portion of my night-time sleep in REM which makes for kind of a long night since I wake up to any little noise in the house and have a rather difficult time getting back to sleep. Friday is our ultrasound to make sure everything is as it should be. Hopefully, everything will be fine. I think I will be glad to have it since I have not been able to locate the beans heartbeat on the home doppler yet. I am pretty sure I can hear the placenta ... has the whole wind whipping through the trees sound but no heartbeat yet.
My pregnancy calendar says embryo becomes a fetus. All organs neccessary to sustain life are now formed.
From Visembryo: (Look the bean is starting to finally look human rather than like a chicken embryo)
(approximately 47-48 post ovulatory days)
Brain Waves and Muscles
Head and Neck
Brain has the first detectable brain waves.
The head is more erect and semicircular canals start to form in the inner ear which will enable a sense of balance and body position.
Septum primum fuses with septum intermedium in the heart.
The gonads form. In about a week, the sex of the embryo will be recognizable in the form of testes or ovaries.
Knee and ankles locations indicated by indentations. Legs are now at their proper location, proportional to the embryo. The critical period for the lower limbs is about to end. Toes are almost completely notched and toenails begin to appear. Joints grow more distinct.
Spine, Skeleton, and Muscles
The trunk elongates and straightens and the bone cartilage begins to form a more solid structure. Muscles develop and get stronger.