Friday, December 02, 2005

A beautiful sight

9 weeks 2 days (LMP) 7 weeks 2 days (gestational) 51 dpo

We had our early ultrasound today. The bean is measuring just about a week ahead at a little over an inch long (2.83 cm). The heartrate was 188 bpm ... fast little bugger. It was flexing its head so that its head and body were sort of moving in opposite directions and it was also moving its little flippers all about. It was really neat to see those first involuntary (sort of spasmodic movements). With Jaida we had an ultrasound at 7 weeks (pre-movement) and 19 weeks where she was able to make coordinated movements so this was a new experience. The tech said I definitely ovulated from the left ovary since there is a whopping cyst (corpus luteum) on that ovary. My cervix was also nice and thick and long which is excellent. I am just so happy. I feel like I am floating on cloud 9.

Here are some pictures of our beautiful little bean.

In this picture the head is at the top left and the bean is on its back. You can see its little foot flippers sticking up. :) It was flexing its entire body one way and then the other.

This is looking at the bean dead-on. Head is on the left and feet are at the other end ... obviously. That little white spot near the head is the little thumping heart.

This is a 3d image of the bean. Again the head is at the top left and its back is to the left. You are looking at a profile. You can sort of make out an alien facial profile. Below that running from left to right across is the umbilical cord. Below that is a dark circle which is the yolk sac. The yolk sac is what really nourishes the baby until blood really gets flowing throughout the beans body and the placenta is fully functional at about 12 weeks.

This was such a great expereince and the whole pregnancy feels much more real. It is good to know that things are going well so far. :)

From Visembryo:

(approximately 52 postovulatory days)

Intestines Begin to Recede Into Body Cavity

Head and Neck

Eyes are well-developed, but are still located on the side of the embryonic head. As head development continues, they will migrate forward.

External ears are set low on the embryo's head, but will move up as the head enlarges.

Over the next few days, tongue development finishes.


Intestines begin migration within the umbilical cord towards the embryo. Liver causes a ventral prominence of the abdomen.


Fingers lengthen while distinct grooves (digital rays) form between the fingers, which also lengthen as the hands approach each other across the abdomen.

Feet approach each other, but are still fan-shaped and the toe digits are still webbed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Gia! What a beautiful little bean you've got baking in there ; )

Hooray for an amazing u/s appt!