Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

20 Weeks 0 Days (LMP) 18 Weeks 0 Days (Gestational)

weight: 111/112 pounds
waist: 31 inches

Are what little boys are made of. AND we are going to know all about that since we are having a little boy! Fun stuff! I simply can't believe I am technically half way through the pregnancy already. Craziness!

Anyhow, sorry for the delay. I have been fighting off a bit of a virus since Sunday and not feeling very well. We had our ultrasound appointment on Monday and had the BEST ultrasound tech. She spent about an hour looking at the baby. The baby was so active and being quite the clown and she said she couldn't get enough of watching it. We had a BLAST! Jaida loved seeing the baby and was even able to make out eyes, nose, legs and arms without any help from us. The tech sent us home with a bunch (many more than we got with Jaida) excellent ultrasound pictures. The baby is absolutely adorable.

The baby is tremendously healthy. The tech said everything was text-book perfect. Brain had two hemispheres, cerebellum measured perfectly, palette and lip were in tact, heart had four beautiful chambers that were all working perfectly, two kidneys that looked perfect, skin completely enclosing the perfect little spine, super long legs ... she said this baby is going to be a runner for sure. The stomache was on the inside along with the intestines. The placenta was big and beautiful (her words) and perfectly placed and the cord had all three vessles. The baby is measuring perfectly although a bit big. She said at this point the baby should weigh 6-7 ounces but according to u/s it is weighing in at a whopping 14 ounces (nearly a pound!) and is measuring a little over a week ahead. Seems as if I am growing another moose of a baby. From the 3D ultrasound pictures of the baby the face resembles both Joe and Jaida which is so cool to already be able to see the resemblance.

We left the gender question up to Jaida since Joe and I couldn't agree. We asked her if she wanted to know who was inside and she said yes. The baby (unlike Jaida) was happy to oblige. The baby was super active and putting on quite a show ... we got some adorable pictures of the baby sucking on the umbilical cord, kicking its legs, sticking its tongue out, pulling on its lips, sucking on its fingers, and waving its little fists around above its head like it was doing some crazy sort of dance. We even witnessed the little bugger yanking on HIS PENIS!!!!!!!! The penial fascination starts pretty darn early.

So, we are having a little boy. It feels so strange to say that. When Joe and I got all excited Jaida just looked at us like we are idiots and we should have just listened to her the entire time. It is a bit freaky how she has been sure of the boyness of the baby from the get go. We are so excited. It is going to be fun to have one of each. We feel like we have the perfect family for us.

Anyhow, we are simply over the moon happy! We are very excited but in a calm very happy to know the final make-up of our family sort of way. I have to say it is perfect. Jaida will be a good girl influence on a little boy and make sure he grows up understanding women.

Here are some ultrasound pictures.

Hands near his face

Looking at mouth, upper lip and nostrils

3D u/s of face, hands and umbilical cord in right hand

Long legs in runners pose (tush at the top)

Boy bits and pieces with a hand going for them

His face tilted downwards. He is sucking on the umbilical cord.

Profile while playing with umbilical cord

Sticking his tongue out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a boy! You sound thrilled. Nice that you got a picture of him reaching for his pee-pee. That will come in handy someday I'm sure!