Wednesday, March 01, 2006

BIG Movements

22 weeks 0 days (LMP) 20 weeks 0 days (Gestational)

weight: 113 pounds
waist: 32.5 inches

Your baby now weighs about 12.25 ounces (350 g), and its crown-to-rump length is about 7.6 inches (19 cm).

Your baby continues to grow; its body is getting larger everyday. The baby's eyelids and even the eyebrows are developed. Fingernails are also visible.

This little dude doesn't move constantly like Jaida did at this point but when he does it feels like he is trying to climb out of my body. Total monkey craziness. It is strange for the baby to already be distorting my belly with his movements.

Things are going well. The heartburn is still completely out of control but with lots of Tums I can at least function. Otherwise no real complaints.

Joe and I (well mostly me) are on a mission to get Jaida's new room painted and ready for her so we can get the nursery set up. I am feeling a strong need for organization right now and the room project is sort of a dominoe effect ... one thing needs to happen so everything else can be finished. We just need more time. I bought baby boy a new crib bedding set. It is a nice pastel moon and stars set and will go well with the existing pale yellow walls. I also bought a cute litte stars and moon mobile for the crib and a nightlight sort of lamo that is a yellow cresent moon with a blue star ... very soft lighting and sweet. All I really need/want now to complete the baby's room is a nice rug and some letters to spell out his name on the wall above his crib.

Jaida's new room will be a bit fancier but I will let her decorate it as much as she wants. I also bought baby boy a nice little miracle blanket just in case he (unlike his sister) will tolerate swaddling and back sleeping.

I will post some new 22 week belly shots this afternoon.

From Visembryo:

Week 20 Post Fertilization...

Fetus may suck on thumb.


Extremely rapid brain growth (which lasts until five years after birth) begins.

Eyebrows and scalp hair become more visible and fetus blinks more often. Lanugo covers body completely, although concentrated around head, neck and face.


Heart beat grows stronger.


Testes of male fetuses begin descending from the pelvis into the scrotum.


Legs approach final length and proportion relative to body. Arms and legs move with more force, as muscles strengthen. Skeleton hardens. Hand strength improves.

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