Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Boring update

36 weeks 0 days (LMP) 34 weeks 0 days (gestational)

weight: 128 pounds
waist: 37.5 inches

By this week, your baby weighs about 6 pounds (2.75 kg). Its crown-to-rump length is over 13.5 inches (34 cm), and total length is 20.7 inches (46 cm).

Not much going on really. The boy is still moving around like crazy. I am a tad uncomfortable but nothing too bad. I am getting a little tired of people asking me if I am still pregnant. I have one week left to make it through to ensure I am at least eligible for a homebirth.

Here is my 36 week belly picture ...

From Visembryo:

Placenta is now one-sixth of fetal weight.

Gums appear ridged and may look like teeth. Head may now position (head-down) into pelvis before labor.

Gastrointestinal system is very immature and will stay that way until three or fourth years after birth. Fetus stores about 15% of weight in fat to keep temperature of body warm. Fetus receives and eliminates nutrition through umbilical cord.

Limbs begin to dimple at elbows and knees and creases form around wrists and neck.

Skin appears light pink because of blood vessels close to its surface.

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