Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sixth Tooth

Jax is the proud owner of six teeth and a slightly runny nose to boot. His left upper incisor finally came through. All the same teething symptoms so we knew it would be any day. I don't know if poop can possibly smell any worse than the stuff that comes out of poor Jax when he is teething. Just nasty .... plain and simple.

Jax was also the victim of a biting ... by his sister no less. See Jaida's blog for details on this. He is fine ... doesn't even seem traumatized or anything.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Hi Dada

Jaxon LOVES to talk on the phone. This morning he brings me the phone and holds it up to his ear (upside down) and says "Hi Dada" while pointing at his mouth with the other hand. I called Joe at work and asked him to speak to Jax. I hold the phone up to Jax's ear and in the tiniest sweetest little voice he says "hi dadadada" with a BIG smile on his face.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Big Time Wrestling Moves

Jax loves to body slam stuff. That stuff includes food on his booster seat chair tray, his toys, us, the cat ... oh the poor cat. Anyhow, he straightens his back raises his arms above his head and then flings his entire upper half onto his target with wreckless abandon. This has resulted in Jax having bruises on his face from landing on hard objects such as a toy, the floor, my knee or shoulder, etc. He has slammed Jaida and the poor cat several times as a sign of affection. They don't seem to feel the love though. ;)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

FIVE teeth

Jax is now the proud owner of five teeth! Do I have the world's slowest teething children or what? Jax has been a bit out of sorts the last couple of days. Also didn't sleep well the last two nights even though up until that point he had been sleeping 12-14 hours straight in his own bed and in his own room each night. Add to that a tremendously snotty nose and some REALLY nasty poops and I was pretty sure something was going on with his teeth. Yesterday I noticed his right upper tooth right next to his front center ones came in. What is that tooth called anyhow ... an incisor? The other one should be in in about a weeks time I would guess.

Monday, July 09, 2007


This is Jax and his little cousin Mattie spending some quality time together. Jax happily slept through the entire thing otherwise he likely would have ended up sitting on her head, pulling her hair or in some other way torturing her and she would not look so happy. :)