Friday, June 30, 2006

The DUDE has arrived!

Jaxon Lamela Rhea "Jax" was born at home at 1:58 a.m. after a six and a half hour labor. My membranes ruptured at 7:00 p.m. and active labor started about 10 p.m. It was a relatively easy labor and delivery. I will write out the birth story in a few days.

For now his stats are:
Birthday: June 30, 2006
Weight: 8 pounds even
Length: 19 inches

And now for the good stuff ... pictures

A few seconds after birth
Me bonding with the kiddos
Jaxon breastfeeding while we all rest
Jaxon getting weighed with the fish scale
A snuggly Jax

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Let's get this party started

39 weeks 1 day (LMP) 37 weeks 1 day (gestational)

I had an amazing nights sleep last night. First time in months I didn't wake up multiple times to pee. I woke up in a good mood and feeling well rested. I had another full day of the same contractions but today I didn't sit around wondering what is going to happen. I decided not to go to work today and instead called a friend. Jaida and I packed up and went to my friend's house. Marybeth cut my hair and then took about 6 inches off of Jaida's hair also. After we visited a while Jaida decided she wanted to stay and play with Caleb so I went home for a couple of hours to eat lunch and rest. I went back and we all went to the pool for the afternoon.

When I got home I went into insane nesting mode. Laundry became a very urgent matter for some reason. We tidied up the house, cleaned Jaida's room, moved some supplies, ate a good dinner and got Jaida all bathed and ready for be early. I was sitting on the sofa and stood to go see something Jaida wanted me to look at. I made it half way to the front door when I heard a pop and felt a small gush of water. We called the midwife (Regina), birth assistant (Gwen), doula (Mary) and made sure my sister was on her way to help with Jaida and be here for the birth.

So now I sit here waiting for womething to happen. I am still doing laundry and chatting with everyone and waiting for contractions to pick up in intensity.

I will keep you updated.

This will be my last belly picture. It was taken right after my membranes ruptured. If you look closely you can see the baby's feet sticking out of my side right at the edge of my shirt.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

More contractions and other general funkiness

39 weeks 0 days (LMP) 37 weeks 0 days (gestational)

Working on day 2 of 3 minute apart contractions. Fun stuff! I even have them when I am sleeping but like I said not painful at all. Went to work today and I think I might have frightened a few people. :) After going to a retirement luncheon I wasn't feeling too well ... combination of contractions and eating too much likely. Called my midwife and she met us at the house to check me out. Blood pressure was good and low and I dilated another cm and was slightly more effaced (~4 cm and 65% effaced). She did say she could stretch my cervix another cm or 2 ... YIKES! She thinks I am likely losing my mucous plug also. It is sort of coming out slowly and in chunks ... more information than anyone wants I am sure. Anyhow, told to rest up. She thinks when I go I am likely going to go pretty quickly.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Lots of contractions

38 weeks 6 days (LMP) 36 weeks 6 days (gestational)

Well I am officially having contractions. They are three minutes apart and last about 45 seconds but they don't hurt in the slightest. They are just causing my belly to tighten down below my belly button. Hopefully, they are at least causing me to progress a bit. I wonder how long I could go on like this? Then again maybe I don't want to know the answer to that question. :)

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Feeling HUGE and ready

38 week 4 days (LMP) 36 weeks 4 days (gestational)

A picture is worth a thousand words ...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Baby Shower

38 weeks 0 days (LMP) 36 weeks 0 days (gestational)

weight: 131 pounds
waist: 38 inches

At this time, your baby weighs about 6.8 pounds (3.1 kg). Crown-to-rump length hasn't changed much; it's still about 14 inches (35 cm). Total length is 21 inches (47 cm).

I had my 38 week midwife appointment yesterday and all was perfect ... low blood pressure, no swelling, GBS test was negative, found out I don't need prophylaxic antibiotics for prolapsed mitral valve in my heart, and fundus was measuring at 38 ... so just perfect in other words.

The sweet ladies at work threw a baby shower for me this week. The boy received many blue outfits, soft blankets, stuffed toys, album, frame, toys and misc other supplies. Everyone was extremely generous and we appreciate it all SO much. Jaida and I had fun going through all the clothes and washing them and hanging them up.

Generally, I feel pretty great for a hugely pregnant woman. I am pretty comfortable except the occassional shooting nerve pain down my leg. I have a fair amount of energy and am sleeping relatively well (in between bathroom trips).

We have everything we need for the boy and the house is all set-up for the addition of a newborn. I have all my birth supplies together and in the master bedroom. Our birth assistant did her home visit this week and gave us some pointers and checked everything out. We also met with our doula a couple of weeks ago and really liked her. She is very laid back and will be a welcome addition to our birth team.

My 38 week belly picture ...

From Visembryo:

Grasp becomes firmer.

Body is round and plump due to new fat storage keeping the body temperature at about 32 F above maternal temperature. Fetus turns toward light sources in what is known as the orienting response. Intestines accumulate a considerable amount of meconium which is usually eliminated shortly after birth. If birth is delayed, the fecal material will appear in the amniotic fluid.

Space limitation continues to restrict fetal movement. Limbs are bent and drawn close to body. Bones are flexible and ossification, hardening, progresses. At birth, the tibia, long bone, of the leg is usually completely ossified into bone.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Good news

37 week 0 days (LMP) 35 week 0 days (gestational)

Your baby weighs almost 6.5 pounds (2.95 kg). Crown-to-rump length is 14 inches (35 cm). Its total length is 21 inches.

I had my Group B Strep test today. While the midwife was doing that she decided to do my one and only internal exam also. She said I was slightly dilated, baby was vertex and at 0 - +1 station, cervix was extremely soft and spongy and beginning to efface and most importantly already moved to the anteriour position. The anteriour part is great news as she said that is usually the last thing to happen before labor and more importantly allows the baby to enter the birth canal at the right angle. Hopefully, this will alleviate some of the issues I had with Jaida's labor. Other great news is that I can now officially deliver the boy at home if all works out. The midwives only do deliveries from 37 - 42 weeks.

All good news. The boy is going to be here fairly soon.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Boring update

36 weeks 0 days (LMP) 34 weeks 0 days (gestational)

weight: 128 pounds
waist: 37.5 inches

By this week, your baby weighs about 6 pounds (2.75 kg). Its crown-to-rump length is over 13.5 inches (34 cm), and total length is 20.7 inches (46 cm).

Not much going on really. The boy is still moving around like crazy. I am a tad uncomfortable but nothing too bad. I am getting a little tired of people asking me if I am still pregnant. I have one week left to make it through to ensure I am at least eligible for a homebirth.

Here is my 36 week belly picture ...

From Visembryo:

Placenta is now one-sixth of fetal weight.

Gums appear ridged and may look like teeth. Head may now position (head-down) into pelvis before labor.

Gastrointestinal system is very immature and will stay that way until three or fourth years after birth. Fetus stores about 15% of weight in fat to keep temperature of body warm. Fetus receives and eliminates nutrition through umbilical cord.

Limbs begin to dimple at elbows and knees and creases form around wrists and neck.

Skin appears light pink because of blood vessels close to its surface.