Wednesday, November 30, 2005

All appears to be well

9 weeks (LMP) 7 weeks (gestational) 49 dpo

weight: 104 pounds
waist: 27.5 inches

The crown-to-rump length of the embryo is 0.9 to 1.2 inches (22-30 mm). This is about the size os a medium green olive. Your baby's arms and legs are longer. Hands are flexed at the wrist and meet over the heart area. They continue to extend in front of the body. Fingers are longer, and the tips are slightly enlarged where touch pads are developing. The feet are approaching the midline of the body and may be long enough to meet in front of the torso. The head is more erect, and the neck is more developed. The eyelids almost cover the eyes. Up to this time, the eyes have been uncovered. External ears are evident and well formed. Your baby now movesits body and limbs. This movement may be seen during an ultrasound exam. The baby looks more recognizable as a human being, although it is still extremely small. It is probably impossible to distinguish a male from a female. External organs (external genitalia) of the male and female appear very similar and will not be distinguishable for another few weeks.

It has been such a busy week that I haven't had much time to even think about all of this pregnancy stuff. This is a good thing. The nausea comes and goes but is mostly in the afternoons and is relatively mild. I am pretty tired much of the time but am averaging about 12-15 hours of sleep between my evening nap and night-time sleep so I am not totally exhausted or anything like that. Generally I feel just fine. One weird thing is I really am not running to the restroom all the time like I thought I would be at this point. I drink a ton of water but really don't feel I need to go pee any more now that I already was. Also, I don't need to get up at night to go either. It is kind of strange. I do spend a good portion of my night-time sleep in REM which makes for kind of a long night since I wake up to any little noise in the house and have a rather difficult time getting back to sleep. Friday is our ultrasound to make sure everything is as it should be. Hopefully, everything will be fine. I think I will be glad to have it since I have not been able to locate the beans heartbeat on the home doppler yet. I am pretty sure I can hear the placenta ... has the whole wind whipping through the trees sound but no heartbeat yet.

My pregnancy calendar says embryo becomes a fetus. All organs neccessary to sustain life are now formed.

From Visembryo: (Look the bean is starting to finally look human rather than like a chicken embryo)

(approximately 47-48 post ovulatory days)

Brain Waves and Muscles

Head and Neck

Brain has the first detectable brain waves.

The head is more erect and semicircular canals start to form in the inner ear which will enable a sense of balance and body position.


Septum primum fuses with septum intermedium in the heart.


The gonads form. In about a week, the sex of the embryo will be recognizable in the form of testes or ovaries.


Knee and ankles locations indicated by indentations. Legs are now at their proper location, proportional to the embryo. The critical period for the lower limbs is about to end. Toes are almost completely notched and toenails begin to appear. Joints grow more distinct.

Spine, Skeleton, and Muscles

The trunk elongates and straightens and the bone cartilage begins to form a more solid structure. Muscles develop and get stronger.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Turkeys REALLY stink!

8 weeks 3 days (LMP) 6 weeks 3 days (gestational) 45 dpo

Thanksgiving started out with a bang. I woke up more nauseous than I can describe. It was a rough start to the day. The process of preparing food and cooking the turkey didn't help matters much. Just too many smells in one day I think. Happily, the nausea passed by the later part of the day and I was able to enjoy the nice Thanksgiving feast that Joe and I spent the entire day preparing. It was a lovely meal and day and we have much to be thankful for.

Friday I felt great. I had some friends over and Jaida was able to spend some time playing with their son. I pooped out pretty early in the evening but that is normal at this point. Saturday we spent the morning at our favorite garden center looking at all of the beautiful holiday displays. It was a fun day except for the few minutes after a stood up too quickly and had severe ligament pain. I honestly thought my uterus was going to jump out of my body ... not pleasant at all. This afternoon I have had a little more nausea. All in all I have no reason to complain since it is pretty mild and many women have it much worse than me. :)

From Visembryo:

Ossification of the Skeleton Begins

Head and Neck

Nerve plexuses begin to develop in the region of the scalp.

Eyes are pigmented and eyelids begin to develop and may fold.


Within the heart, the trunk of the pulmonary artery separates from the trunk of the aorta.

Nipples appear on the chest. Body appears more like a cube.


Kidneys begin to produce urine for the first time.


Genital tubercle, urogenital membrane and anal membrane appear.


The critical period of arm development ends, and the arms are at their proper location, roughly proportional to the embryo. However, the hand plates are not finished, but develop further in the next two days. The wrist is clearly visible and the hands already have ridges or notches indicating the future separation of the fingers and the thumbs.

Spine and Skeleton

Ossification of the skeleton begins.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My pants are too tight and it makes me cranky

8 weeks (LMP) 6 weeks (gestational) 42 dpo

weight: 103 pounds
waist:27.5 inches

By the 8th week of pregnancy, the crown-to-rump length of your baby is 14 to 20 mm or 0.56 to 0.8 inch. This is about the size of a pinto bean. The baby is continuing to grow and to change rapidly during these early weeks. Eyelid folds are forming on the face. The tip of the nose is present. Ears are forming, internally and externally. In the heart, the aortic and pulmonary valves are present and distinct. Tubes leading from the throat to the functioning part of the lungs are branched, like the branches of a tree. The body's trunk is getting longer and straightening out. Elbows are present, and the arms and legs extend forward. Arms have grown longer. They bend at the elbows and curve slightly over the heart. The digital rays, which become fingers, are notched. Toe rays are present on the feet.

How can my pants be too tight when I haven't gained any weight and my waist is really no larger around? Specifically it is only one pair of pants that are way too tight but they are my favorite jeans so I continue to torture myself by wearing them.

Did I mention that I am 8 weeks today? A small woohoo! I am feeling pretty good. I am still not nauseous like I was with Jaida which is a relief because I really have no idea how I would work part-time, take care of Jaida and deal with the nausea. It is occassional though but mostly if I hold off on eating too long. I am starting to get all those weird pinchy and pully sensations whenever I cough or sneeze so I imagine my uterus is expanding out a bit and ligaments are stretching. Also, I have acne. Hopefully this does not last the entire pregnancy. I had such nice looking skin with Jaida but this time I just look rather like a teen-ager. Well not that bad but you know what I mean.

It is so strange being pregnant when you already have a child. I am very happy to be pregnant obviously but because Jaida needs me right now I tend to not obsess over this pregnancy. I think about it a lot just not all the time like I did with Jaida. I guess everything isn't quite as new this time around.

My pregnancy calendar says that the embryo is about the size of a coffee bean . It weighs about 0.04 ounces (1 gram) and is 0.64 inches (1.6 cm) long. The bean is starting to look a little less alien-like. It is just so crazy to look at this picture and realize that this little creature will turn into a baby that looks similar to Joe, Jaida and myself.

From Visembryo:

(6 to 8 weeks) - This stuff has been going on for a while now. Head and Neck

Brain is well marked by its cerebral hemispheres. The hindbrain, which is responsible for heart regulation, breathing and muscle movements, begins to develop.

Future lower jaw, the first part of face to be established, is now visible while future upper jaw is present, but not demarcated.

Mesenchymal cells originating in the primitive streak, the neural crest and the prechordal plate, continue to form the skull and the face.

External retina pigment is visible and the lens pit has grown into a D shape.

Nasal pits are still two separate plates, but they rotate to face ventrally as head widens.


Primary cardiac tube separates into aortic and pulmonary channels and the ventricular pouches deepen and enlarge, forming a common wall with their myocardial shells.

Mammary gland tissue begins to mature.

Abdomen and Pelvic Regions

The mesentery, which attaches the intestines to the rear abdominal wall, holds them in position and supplies them with blood, nerves and lymphatics, is now clearly defined.

Ureter, the tube that will convey urine from the kidney to the bladder, continues to lengthen.

Proliferation of the coelomic epithelium indicates the gonadal primordium.


Hand region of upper limb bud differentiates further to form a central carpal part and a digital plate.

The thigh (rostrolateral part), leg (the caudomedial part) and foot areas can be distinguished in the lower limb buds.

(approximately 41 postovulatory days)

A Four Chambered Heart and a Sense of Smell

Head and Neck

Jaw and facial muscles are now developing. The nasofrontal groove becomes distinct and an olfactory bulb (sense of smell) forms in the brain. Auricular (ear) hillocks become recognizable. The dental laminae or teeth buds begin to form.

The pituitary, which is the master gland responsible for growth of hormones that regulate other glands, such as the thyroid, adrenal glands, gonad) begins to form.Trachea, the larynx and the bronchi begin to form.


The heart begins to separate into four chambers.

The diaphragm, the tissue that separates the chest cavity from the abdomen, forms.


Intestines begin to develop within the umbilical cord and will later migrate into the abdomen when the embryo's body is large enough to accommodate them.


Primitive germ cells arrive at the genital area and will respond to genetic instructions to develop into either female or male genitals.


Digital rays in appear in the foot plates and finger rays are more distinct.


Trunk becomes straighter.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

I am such a cry baby

7 weeks 3 days (LMP) 5 weeks 3 days (gestational)

You know you are overly emotional when the scene where the Grinch's heart suddenly grows three sizes too big makes you sob uncontrollably. Yep, that was me tonight ... Jaida was looking at me like I was insane. :) Oh, and any program talking about doctor's without borders is strictly off-limits until further notice. I really haven't been feeling overly emotional at all until just the last couple of days .... which is surprising considering the extra progesterone and all. Joe might disagree though. ;)

The heartburn has also started. I don't have the raging heartburn I had with Jaida but there is this whole low level chest tightness thing going on. And the burping ... omg ... the burping. Tums are my new best friend. Jaida is convinced I am eating candy all the time.

Yesterday and today I have also been feeling a little crampy ... not bad crampy just stretching crampy. Again, not bad just noticeable. Also, first thing in the mornign and most of the early part of the day the belly is pretty darn flat and normal looking but by the evening my abdominal muscles are just plain old worn out and tired. I sort of look like someone just released me from a girdle. :)

My pregnancy journal says the sac continues to fill with amniotic fluid.

From Visembryo:

(6 to 8 weeks)

Lens Vesicle, Nasal Pit, Hand Plate; Trunk Widens, Future Cerebral Hemispheres Distinct

Head and Neck

As the brain has increased in size by one-third since the last stage, it is still larger than the trunk.

Rostral neuropore is closed and four pairs of pharyngeal arches are visible now, though the fourth one is still quite small. The maxillary and mandibular prominence of the first arch are clearly delineated. The stomodeum, the depression in the ectoderm which will develop into the mouth and oral cavity, appears between the prominent forebrain and the fused mandibular prominence.Swellings of the external ear begin to appear on both sides of the head, formed by the mandibular arch.

Lens pit has closed, retinal pigment may appear in the external layer of the optic cup and lens fibers form the lens body.

Two symmetrical and separate nasal pits may appear as depressions in the nasal disc.


Esophagus lengthens.

Blood flow through the atrioventricular canal is divided into left and right streams, which continue through the outflow tract and aortic sac. The left ventricle is larger than the right and has a thicker wall.

Lobar buds appear in the bronchial tree.

Abdomen and Pelvic Regions

The intestine lengthens.

Ureteric bud lengthens and its tip expands, thus beginning the formation of the final and permanent set of kidneys.


Distinct regions of the handplate, forearm, arm and shoulder may be discerned in the upper limb bud.

Lower limb bud begins to round at top and tip of its tapering end will eventually form the foot.

Innervation, the distribution of nerves, begins in the lower limb buds.


The relative width of the trunk increases from the growth of the spinal ganglia, the muscular plate and the corresponding mesenchymal tissues.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Midwives ROCK!!!!

7 weeks (LMP) 5 weeks (gestational) 35 dpo

Your baby has an incredible growth spurt this week! At the beginning of the 7th week, the crown-to-rump length of your growing baby is 0.16 to 0.2 inch (4 to 5 mm). This is about the size of a BB pellet. By the end of the week, your baby has more than doubled in size, to 0.44 to 0.52 inch (11 to 13 mm). Leg buds are beginning to appear as short fins. The arm buds have also grown longer; they have divided into a hand segment and an arm-shoulder segment. The hand and foot have a digital plate where the fingers and toes will develop. The heart bulges from the body. By this time, it has divided into right and left heart chambers. The primary bronchi are present. The cerebral hemispheres, which make up the brain, are also growing. Eyes and nostrils are developing. Intestines are developing, and the appendix is present. The pancreas, which produces the hormone insulin, is also present. Part of the intestine bulges into the umbilical cord.

I simply LOVE my midwives. I love everything about them ... they are all wonderful, intelligent and very caring women, the office is super warm and cozy, everyone (even the patients) all know each other and the conversations in the waiting room flow freely. There are tons of breastfeeding mom's in the waiting room and plenty of itty babies to be held by everyone.

My first appointment was 2 hours and 15 minutes long All subsequent appointments will be 45 minutes long. I met with the head midwife today. We talked about my history and my wishes for this next birth. Really we just talked about everything under the sun. She told me bunches of birth stories of women that she has helped that had long (kind of difficult) first labors and had super easy second deliveries. She also REALLY thinks I should have a homebirth. She said she LOVES attending homebirths ... they are just such wonderful experiences. I am just beyond excited after talking to her.

She really worked hard to calm my nerves about all the early pregnancy stuff. She told me as midwives they are just as concerned about my emotional health as my physical well being during this pregnancy. She said if I have any concerns, questions or worries that she can help me with to contact her day or night and gave me her cell phone number ... how sweet is that? She went ahead and did another blood draw for the progesterone and HCG just to make sure everything still looks good. I think this is mostly to calm me down to be honest. LOL She did a physical and checked my cervix to make sure it is all closed up tight. She said there is a lot of blood flow going to that area right now. She said because my cervix is already so vascularized she decided not to do a pap smear because she said it will most likely make me spot and she doesn't want to give me any more reason than I already have to worry. She did say my ovaries and uterus are all quite soft and squishy which is just how they should be during early pregnancy. My uterus is still way down behind my pubic bone but this isn't surprising as I have a tilted uterus and with Jaida it didn't pop above the bone until I was nearly 10 to 12 weeks. After all the pushing around trying to find my uterus I was feeling quite tender and even a tad crampy last night and today again. I hope it passes soon. My midwives don't do any blood screening tests at all ... no AFP, etc. They also don't do any routine ultrasounds ... not even at 20 weeks. If I want one all I need to do is ask though and they will write me a script.

I actually managed to not beg for an early ultrasound ... jsut for reassurance. I was completely impressed by myself. However, as I was getting ready to walk out the door she handed me a script for one. She said if just sleeping with the script under my pillow and knowing that I can get one if I want it will help me then great. If I want to go in and have one done then also great. She said the best place for a baby to live during gestation is in a body that is not stressed or worried. My lab always has a long waiting period for ultrasound appointments but she said if I decide to do it and they won't cooperate with a timely appointment then to call her and she will call them and pretend that it is an emergency. After talking to Joe I did go ahead and make an ultrasound appointment. It is not until November 28th and I will be nearly 9 weeks along at that point. I should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat on the doppler ... if that is the case I will likely cancel the ultrasound appointment.

Marsha has also set up a yahoo group for all her patients to keep in contact and discuss their labors and births. It also has a mom run breastfeeding support board with all our local LC's, nursing supply stores, etc listed as well as a homebirth board. She said she is even thinking about setting up birth clubs by birth month ... so each month would get its own board. That way all her patients that are giving birth either in the birth center or at home would have a place to collect and discuss how things are going. I think this is such a cool idea.

Anyhow, I just love my midwives. I am just SO very fortunate.

My pregnancy journal says the cells of the liver, pancreas, stomach, and lungs begin to take shape.

From Visembryo:

(4 to 8 weeks post fertilization)

Lens Pit and Optic Cup Appear, Endolymphatic Appendage Distinct

Head and Neck

The brain and head grow rapidly. The mandibular and hyoid arches are noticeable. Ridges demarcate the three sections of the brain (midbrain, forebrain and hindbrain). The spinal cord wall at this stage contains three zones: the ventricular, the mantle and the marginal. The ventricular zone will form neurons, glial cells and ependymal cells, the intermediate mantle will form neuron clusters and the marginal zone will contain processes of neurons. Adenohypophyseal pouch, which will develop into the anterior pituitary, is defined.

Lens vesicle opens to the surface and is nestled within the optic cup.

Otic vesicle increases its size by approximately one-fourth and its endolymphatic appendage is more defined.

Nasal plate can be detected by thickened ectoderm.


Esophagus, the tube through which food is swallowed, forms from a groove of tissue that separates from the trachea, which is also visible.

Semilunar valves begin to form in the heart. Four major subdivisions of the heart (the trabeculated left and right ventricles, the conus cords and the truncus arteriosus) are clearly defined. Two sprouts, a ventral one from the aortic sac and a dorsal one from the aorta, form the pulmonary (sixth aortic) arch.

Right and left lung sacs lie on either side of the esophagus.

Abdomen and Pelvic Regions

Ureteric bud appear. Metanephros, which will eventually form the permanent kidney, is developing.


Upper limbs elongate into cylindrically-shaped buds, tapering at tip to eventually form hand plate. Nerve distribution process, innervation, begins in the upper limbs.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Pregnancy induced dreaming

6 weeks 6 days (LMP) 4 weeks 6 days (gestational) 34 dpo

I clearly remember the pregnancy dreams from my pregnancy with Jaida. I can say that it was pretty much the first time in my life that I woke up remembering my dreams and for the most part I wish to this day I could forget them. For the most part the dreams are terrifying. Not neccesarily pregnancy related just scenarios that seem to have to do with my deepest darkest fears and how they manifest themselves in the everyday. Did I mention that they are incredibly vivid and hard to wake up from ... even if in my subconscience I know they are a dream and want to wake up. I have had a series of these dreams every night for the last three nights. They leave me feeling a bit unsettled.

The nausea has subsided quite a bit. I think it might be due to the supplement I am taking along with my PNV. It is called FolTX and has a mega dose of folic acid, Vitamin B6 and B12 in it and is suppose to help keep the blood homocysteine leves down to reduce clotting problems. I guess it has the added benefit of keeping nausea under control. :) So far things really have been quite different than with Jaida. I know it is still early and all but still by this time with Jaida I was already dealing with pulling, pinching and cramping as my uterus stretched, heartburn, and terrible nausea. I really don't have any of those so far. I am quite tired but I just basically go to bed extra early and that seems to keep that in check. I am quite fortunate that Jaida sleeps through the night and still takes good naps and when she is awake she is quite capable of independent play. I am able to sleep a lot and rest when I need to.

I have my first midwife appointment this afternoon. I will write more about that tomorrow.

My pregnancy calendar says the embryonic sac continues to grow with millions of villi attaching to the placenta. Blood is now circulating throughout the embryo. Also, buds on ends of embryonic arms and legs grow into webs that will become fingers and toes. They look something like the little pictures to the left. Pretty cool!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

More developments in the embryo

6 weeks 1 day (LMP) 4 weeks 1 day (gestational) 29 dpo

This is a pretty busy and important time for the little embryo. All of this hidden activity kind of explains why I need to go to bed early these days. It is all just SO fascinating!

From Visembryo:

approximately 27-29 postovulatory days

Four Limb Buds, Lens Disc and Optic Vesicle, the first thin surface layer of skin appears covering the embryo. Between thirty and forty somite pairs.

Head and Neck Region

The brain differentiates into the three main parts: the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. The forebrain consists of lobes that translate input from the senses, and will be responsible for memory formation, thinking, reasoning, problem solving. The midbrain will serve as a relay station, coordinating messages to their final destination. The hindbrain will be responsible for regulating the heart, breathing and muscle movements.Thyroid continues to develop and the lymphatic system, which filters out bacteria, starts to form.

Otic placode invaginates and forms the otic vesicle, which will develop into the structures needed for hearing and maintenance of equilibrium.

Retinal disc presses outward and touches the surface ectoderm. In response the ectoderm proliferates forming the lens disc. Specific parts of the eye, such as the retina, the future pigment of the retina and the optic stalk are identifiable.

Primitive mouth with a tongue is recognizable.

Thyroid continues to develop and the lymphatic system, which filters out bacteria, starts to form.


Heart chambers are filled with plasma and blood cells making the heart seem distended and prominent. The heart and liver combined are equal in volume to the head by this stage. Blood circulation is well established, though true valves are not yet present.. The villous network is in place to accommodate the exchange of blood between the woman and the embryo. Aortic arches 4 and 6 develop and 5 may appear.

Lung buds continue to form.

Abdomen and Pelvic Regions

Gall bladder, stomach, intestines, pancreas continue to form and the metanephric bud appears in the chest cavity. The stomach is in the shape of a spindle and the pancreas may be detected at the intestinal tube.

The developing liver receives blood from the placenta via the umbilical cord.

The amnion encloses the connecting stalk helping to fuse it with the longer and more slender umbilical vesicle (the remnant of the yolk sac).


Upper limb buds are visible as ridges and the lower limb buds begin to develop. Folding is complete and the embryo is now three-dimensional and is completely enclosed in the amniotic sac. The somites will be involved in building bones and muscles. The first thin surface layer of skin appears covering the embryo.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


6 weeks (LMP) 4 weeks (gestational) 28 dpo

weight: 103 pounds
waist: 27 inches

The crown-to-rump length of the growing baby is 0.08 to 0.16 inch (2 to 4 mm). Crown-to-rump is the sitting height or distance from the top of the baby's head to its rump or buttocks. This is the beginning of the embryonic period (from week 6 to week 10 of pregnancy, or from week 4 to week 8 of fetal development). This is a period of extremely important development in your baby! At this time, the embryo is most susceptible to factors that can interfere with its development. Most malformations originate during this critical period. The result of all this growth is a body form showing the head and tail area. Around this time, the neural groove closes and early brain chambers form. The eyes are also forming. Limb buds appear. The heart tubes fuse and heart contractions begin. This can be seen by ultrasound.

We have decided that what we need is some sort of meter that can measure the level of a woman's pregnant-icity (new word). Something that I can look at when the symptoms are on the go side of the come and go scale that would make me feel better about things.

I had a lot of symptoms and now I am on the fewer end of the scale. The nausea is really only if I wait too long to eat. Many women would tell me how lucky I am but quite honestly I find the nausea rather comforting and I feel a bit out of whack when I don't have it. I also feel pretty darn good ... in fact much better than I would expect to feel at this point. No cramping, pinching, body aches, weird twinges, nothing. I am a bit tired and definitely crash on the couch quite early in the evening but I wouldn't say that I am walking around exhausted or anything. I do have some mighty powerful smell aversions but that is really about it at this point. Hopefully, something like throwing up will happen soon to reassure me again. ;)

We met with our new birth doula/birth assistant yesterday afternoon. I found completely by accident on the website. She literally lives down the street from me which is so amazingly convienent. She has done a bunch of work with my midwives so she already has a good working relationship in place with them. She got along great with our dogs and Jaida took to her immediately. Jaida had fun showing Gwen all of her pine cones and seed pods she has been collecting. Gwen is super nice and laid back and very knowledgeable so I think I will be quite happy having her with us when the baby comes.

My pregnancy calendar says that the early heart is beating now although it is so faint it is difficult to hear. Also that the inner ear is now forming. I am currently reading "What's Going on in There? How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life" again. Mostly because I just think it is a great book to read during pregnancy. Anyhow, I just finished the chapter on the vestibular system. This chapter is applicable to this current stage of development. The part of the inner ear that is forming is actually the vestibular organ rather than the hearing part. It is amazing that this early the embryo can already sense when I move and when it moves. The vestibular system is one of the earliest forming major systems of the embryo. It is also the most well developed system by the time the baby is actually born. I guess to some degree this explains why babies love to be rocked, bounced, swayed, vibrated, etc from day one of being outside the womb. It is pretty darn cool!

From Visembryo:

Twenty-one to Twenty-nine Somite Pairs, Caudal Neuropore Closes, Three to Four Pharyngeal Arches Appear, Upper Limb Buds Appear

3.0 - 5.0 mm

25 - 27 days post-ovulation

The embryo curves into a C shape. The arches that form the face and neck are now becoming evident under the enlarging forebrain. By the time the neural tube is closed, both the eye and ear will have begun to form. At this stage, the brain and spinal cord together are the largest and most compact tissue of the embryo.

A blood system continues to develop. Blood cells follow the surface of yolk sac where they originate, move along the central nervous system, and move in the chorionic villi, the maternal blood system.

Valves and septa may appear in the heart in Stage 12.

The digestive epithelium layer begins to differentiate into the future locations of the liver, lung, stomach and pancreas. The beginning cells of the liver form before the rest of the digestive system.

Friday, November 04, 2005

This is a VERY strong bean

5 weeks 2 days (LMP) 3 weeks 2 days (gestational)

If nausea is an indication of embryo strength this little bugger is VERY strong! Yesterday was rough, last night was even rougher and today is interesting to say the least. In between raging nausea I have been craving spicy mexican food. I indulged at lunch and have the feeling I am going to live to regret that decision. :)

I really am amazed at how much earlier stuff is happening this time around. The nausea has settled in sooner, my breasts are HUGE (for me), my breasts hurt worse than just about anything I can describe. All of this stuff happened closer to seven weeks with Jaida.

I contacted a doula today. This doula lives in our neighborhood which would be very convienent. I hope she has an opening and is willing to take us. Should know in a couple of days or so.

From Visembryo:

Neural Folds Begin to Fuse, Heart Tube fuses

1.5 - 3.0 mm

21 - 23 days post-ovulation

This stage reflects rapid growth and change as the embryo becomes longer and the yolk sac expands.

On each side of the neural tube, between four and twelve pairs of somites can exist by the end of this stage. The cells which become the eyes appear as thickened circles just off of the neural folds. The cells of the ears are also present.

Neural folds are rising and fusing at several points along the length of the neural tube concomitant with the budding somites which appear to "zipper" the neural tube closed. Neural crest cells will eventually contribute to the skull and face of the embryo.

The two endocardial tubes formed in the last stage fuse in this stage to form one single tube derived from the roof of the nueral tube, which becomes S-shaped and makes the primitive heart asymmetric. As the S-shape forms, cardiac muscle contraction begins.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Definitely still pregnant

5 weeks (LMP) 3 weeks (gestational)

The developing baby hasn't grown a great deal. It's about 0.05 inch (1.25 mm) long. As early as this week, a plate that will later become the heart has developed. The central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and muscle and bone formation are beginning to take shape. During this time, your baby's skeleton is also starting to form.

Just yesterday I was moaning to Joe that I was feeling too darn good and it was worrying me. I told him that I wish I felt worse just so it was still clear that I am pregnant. This morning was a wish come true. I woke up feeling sea sick so I gulped down a cup of yogurt ... that didn't sit too well so I decided to hold off on eating anything else. I had a regular old gag-fest while trying to brush my teeth also. I do feel a bit better now so at least my day won't be shot. It was such a timely reminder that things are going well ... I needed that!

My pregnancy calendar says the embryo is beginning to develop a face, though it still looks outworldly. The baby's head, body and sac are the same size. Also, the embryo becomes three layers. The outer layer becomes the brain, nerves, and skin. The middle layer becomes the bones, muscles, blood vessels, heart, and sex organs. The inner layer becomes the stomach, liver, intestines, lungs, and urinary tract. And the placenta becomes fully functional. No small wonder I feel so tired ... the bean has been quite busy this week!

From Visembryo:

Appearance of Somites

1.5 - 2.5 mm

19 - 21 days post-ovulation

By stage 9, if you could look at the embryo from a top view, it would resemble the sole of a shoe with the head end wider than the tail end, and a slightly narrowed middle.

Somites, which are condensations composed of mesoderm, appear on either side of the neural groove. The first pair of somites appear at the tail and progress to the middle. One to three pairs of somites are present by Stage 9.

Every ridge, bump and recess now indicates cellular differentiation.

A head fold rises on either side of the primitive streak. The primitive streak now runs between one-fourth to one-third of the length of the embryo.

Secondary blood vessels now appear in the chorion/placenta. Hematopoietic cells appear on the yolk sac simultaneously with endothelial cells that will form blood vessels for the newly emerging blood cells.

Endocardial (muscle) cells begin to fuse and form into the early embryo's two heart tubes.