Friday, July 14, 2006

Poop R' Us

Jaxon is 2 weeks old today. He is doing really well and already is changing so much. He has definitely held onto the newborn infant look much longer than Jaida did. I think because Jaida had so much hair she always looked older than she was. Jax still looks very much like a newborn. Right now Jax pretty much nurses, sleeps and poops a lot and that is pretty much it. He hardly ever cries (usually involves a diaper change when he is sleepy or a bath again when he is sleepy). He is very mellow and sleeps easily anywhere but especially loves to sleep in his mama's arms. He is generally sleeping through the night ... goes down at 11 p.m. and sleeps straight through to 5 a.m. or so and nurses and then back to sleep after minor grunting for another few hours. He is a very civilized baby with a very lucky mama. :)

Diaper changes have become a major source of entertainment around here. My reflexes are not quick enough for boy diaper changing which leads to much pee and poop being sprayed everywhere. Jaida thinks this is amazingly disgusting and absolutely hillarious all at the same time. Everytime I need to change Jax it means I go through three clean diapers in the process and usually end up with either pee or poop on myself. The boy is some kind of freaky poop making machine.

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