Wednesday, August 30, 2006

TWO months old

Can you believe the boy is 2 months old already?!? We can't. Jax is doing great. He is a happy little guy that eats, sleeps and poops well. What else is there to life at this age? :)

Jax had his 2 month well baby check today. He is doing really great. He weighed 12 pounds 3 ounces and was just about 24 inches tall. He has grown 5 inches in two months which is amazing. He is going to be a tall dude. He looks quite tall ... pretty string beanish actually. He is by no means a light weight but doesn't look that heavy because he is so long. The little guy has lovely brownish/red hair and slate gray eyes that seem to toggle between blue, green and gray depending on what he is wearing that day. The pediatrician was impressed with how strong Jax is ... he holds his big noggin up nice and steady and also loves to stand and will do so for long periods if we hold him up.

We are going to fully vaccinate Jax but are doing it on a delayed schedule. He had two needles today ... one with a combination HiB/Hep B and the other with the PCV vaccine. He goes back in a month for the IPV and DPT vaccines. He was a little achey and fussy after the injections but nothing too bad.

Jax is just such a great little guy and so mellow. He still co-sleeps with us and we all sleep well. Some nights he will nurse and others he does not but generally he never wakes at night because we are right there with him so I guess there is no need really. He also naps well during the day.

Breastfeeding is still going great and Jax really seems to enjoy it but also has himself on a pretty good eating routine already which is nice. I can already tell he is a baby that is going to be just like Jaida in his love of routines. I make plenty of milk and have a nice stash in the freezer for when I return to work.

Generally life is great!

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