Thursday, September 20, 2007

We appear to have a biter on our hands

Can't say that I am really sure what to do about it either. Especially seeing as how Jax thinks it is freaking hilarious when I reprimand him for biting by saying "No Bite". Just my uttering those two words usually results in him laughing hysterically, grinding his six little teeth and then coming in for another nip.

He has given us all a few little *love nips* in the past. Not hard bites ... really just enough to startle if we were not aware of what he was up to. Also, they usually happened during any sort of rough play like wrestling, etc. Recently though he has started biting out of frustration. It usually happens when Jaida has taken one too many toys from him or I am trying to wrangle him into his clothes (something he absolutely hates). He has attempted to bite the other little guy at his daycare several times. Dillon is bigger and a bit grabby where toys are concerned which really exasperates the issue. So far though Dillon is a bit too fast for Jax to catch so there have been no bad biting incidents.

The other morning Jaida was sitting at the table eating her bagel for breakfast. She didn't realize the squawking Jax was doing was because he wanted to share her bagel. Next thing she knows he reaches over and chomps on her elbow. Thank godzilla he only has six teeth or he might have done real damage. He did leave a nasty looking bite mark on her arm and broke the skin a bit. She screamed bloody murder and he thought that was SO funny. The hysterical laughter was like rubbing salt in a wound.

I can't figure out what to do. For now I just try to avoid him getting into situations where I know he is likely to bite. I also calmly but sternly say "no bite" when he does bite. I also try really hard not to smile which is really hard because he is so evil and thinks it is so funny. I am hoping this is just a phase he will outgrow ... and quickly!

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