Friday, December 09, 2005

The MOST beautiful sound in the world

10 weeks 2 days (LMP) 8 weeks 2 days (gestational) 58 dpo

simply has to be the sound of a fetal heartbeat. It is simply beautiful! We have been stressing over the fact that we haven't been able to find the firecrackers heart using our home doppler machine. Then Last night (10 weeks 1 day) Joe realized the battery was likely getting low ... DOH. He replaced the battery in the doppler and within a few minutes we were able to find to heartbeat. Just chugging right along. Sounded much the same as Jaida's at this point in development. Like a little pony galloping away. It was about 185 bpm. This was such a relief ... I just can't even describe the feeling. I was a little amazed at how the baby already is. I guess my uterus has really been expanding which would explain a lot of the tenderness I am feeling.

My pregnancy calendar says there is about one ounce of amniotic fluid. Fingers and toes become more distinct. Baby weighs 0.14 ounces or 4 grams. Baby is 1.22 inches or 3.1 cm in length.

From Visembryo:

(approximately 56 - 57 postovular days)

Essential External and Internal Structures Complete

By the last stage of embryonic development, all essential external and internal structures are present.


Head is erect and rounded. External ear is completely developed.

The eyes are closed, but the retina of the eye is fully pigmented. The eyelids begin to unite and are only half closed.

Taste buds begin to form on the surface of the tongue. The primary teeth are at cap stage. Bones of the palate begin to fuse. Scalp plexus reaches head vertex.


Intestines begin to migrate from the umbilical cord into the body cavity.


External genitals still difficult to recognize.


Upper and lower limbs are well formed. Fingers get longer and toes no longer webbed and all digits are separate and distinct.

Spine, Skeleton, Muscles, Skin

Layer of rather flattened cells, the precursor of the surface layer of the skin, replaces the thin ectoderm of the embryo. Tail has disappeared.

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