Tuesday, January 08, 2008

18 months old

I am a little late with this entry. Things have been busy but mostly it was because Jax didn't have his 18 month well baby(kid?) exam until last Friday.

The stats:

Length: 32.25 inches (50%)
Weight: 24 pounds 14 ounces (~40%)
Head: 50 cm (>95%)

He is a very healthy little guy. It is funny that with Jaida whenever we had to fill out one of those developmental checklists she always fell slightly behind on the physical aspects ... climbing, balancing, jumping, etc. She is perfectly caught up now but then she was always a tiny bit behind. Jax on the other hand has had all the physical stuff listed on the 24th month checklist mastered for some time. Anyhow, Jax is healthy and developing just perfectly. The only concern I had was about his lack of actual talking. The doctor assured me that he falls in the totally normal range for both boys and second children as far as his speech. He says about 30 words and combines many of them into three word phrases. He understands everything we say and can follow semi-complicated directions from me so I know that he hears perfectly fine. I suppose that Jaida was so far advanced at this point that it is a bit hard to keep from comparing the two.

Jax seems to have caught Jaida's cold/cough which of course settled right into his chest. I gave him a few doses of albuterol in the nebulizer and that seems to be knocking it right out. This is all after about a week and a half of rather sleepless nights for Joe and myself. Jax slept through all the coughing just fine but we of course suffered.

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