Friday, February 29, 2008

20 months old

It is hard to believe that my squirmy little baby is now 20 months old. It seems like just yesterday that he was a tiny little thing that could do nothing for himself. Now though he is becoming quite the independent little guy. He must do everything for himself ... especially if he sees his sister doing it. He brushes his teeth, eats yogurt and oatmeal with a spoon (neatly), tries to put on his own shoes and jacket, and will go down the steepest and tallest slides HEADFIRST. He loves to run as fast, fast, fast as he can. Jax LOVES diggers of any sort and if he sees one while we are in the car I swear the shrieks of Digg-uh are probably heard for miles around.

He is so much fun. I swear we laugh every single day ... either with him or at him. :) He is just such a character. He loves to clown around and get a reaction out of those around him ... he seems to be a born entertainer. This does not bode so well for his first teachers in a school type setting. His favorite is to do something he knows from experience is funny and then as he is laughing he wiggles his entire body (like he is doing an upper-body only version of the twist) and shake his head all around at the same time. It is simply the cutest thing EVER!

It has been a great 20 months my little stinker-boy!

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