Thursday, July 03, 2008

My baby boy is TWO years old!

Jax turned two on June 30th. This was a bittersweet day for me on so many different levels. Mostly though I just felt tremendously proud of what a wonderful little boy he is turning out to be. Since we had the big birthday party the weekend before his actual birthday we had a pretty sedate birthday for Jax. We got up in the morning and Jax opened his pressies from us. Jaida gave him a little push lawn mower. Joe and I gave him a few puzzles, a dinosaur puppet and a car carrying truck. Afterwards we went to the park and then went to an indoor play area when it became too hot outside. Then in the afternoon while Jax napped Jaida and I made him cupcakes. Jax blew out his two candles and we called it a day.

Yesterday Jax had his two year well baby check. He is perfectly healthy and right on track if not a bit ahead in his development (especially the gross motor skill stuff). Jax continues to be a tall skinny boy. His stats are weight: 27lbs3oz (45-50%) height: 35.25 inches (75%) and head circumference is 50.5 cm (95%). He is our tall, skinny big headed boy! :)

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