Wednesday, July 23, 2008

So many words

Jax is finally really starting to communicate verbally. Don't get me wrong ... Jax has no problem communicating his needs and desires at all. Up until this point he has mostly relied on non-verbal communication. He picks up sign language quickly and uses it often. In fact Jax rarely throws temper tantrums which is odd because so often we hear of non-verbal kids getting easily frustrated by not being able to communicate. This is not the case with Jax at all. Joe and I were much more likely to not understand Jaida (at the same age as Jax) because she did rely on verbal communication but her words were not always easily recognizable if not in the right context. With Jax he points, motions, uses a sign or speaks the word (clear as day for the ones he uses) ... so we easily understand what he wants. He is also much less likely to sit around waiting for us to do/get something for him. That is what step stools are for! This is sometimes a good thing but often a worrisome thing as he tries to do stuff that he probably shouldn't be doing.

Anyhow, Jax is saying a bunch of new words and all pronounced very clearly. It is fun to see Jax picking up so many new words. My new favorite is that instead of calling Dinosaurs by the word Dinosaurs he calls them all "growls". Said with the cutest little growl in his voice. ;)

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