Saturday, October 22, 2005

Well, isn't this ironic?

I have been stressing over getting pregnant for nearly eight months at this point. I have had several more early losses and my body has just not felt completely right. Just at the point I was about to give up and just have Jaida be an only child (I really would have been okay with this outcome) I find out I am pregnant.

Well, let's say this isn't a surprise oops pregnancy. This is very much planned and there has been a fair amount of obsessing this cycle but I honestly just felt like I was getting the stomache flu. I felt funky enough that I figured I would at least test to rule pregnancy out as a possible cause of my feeling funky. So at 10 dpo this morning I got up and POAS. The test line came up immediately ... it is pretty faint but it is the type of faint I would expect at 10 dpo. I have two more tests and you better believe I am going to use them over the next four days!

So some details about this cycle:

I ovulated on cd14 which was October 12, 2005
The bean seems to have implated on or around day 5
I tested positive on 10 dpo
My symptoms so far: really crampy between cd3 and cd6, really tender breasts starting just a couple of days ago, burping a lot (but no real heartburn), sort of full feeling in lower abdominal area, when I am hungry I am REALLY hungry, if I eat a lot I feel rather nauseous. That is all I can think of really.
My due date will be July 5, 2006. Which really makes me happy since the new baby's birthday will not interfere with Jaida's birthday in June. :)

I actually forgot to start taking my baby aspirin after I ovulated. Luckily, there is no blood connection established yet. I took the first baby aspirin last night. I am going to continue on them and add some progesterone to the mix tonight ... just in case my levels are low it will give me a little boost. On Monday, I will be 12 dpo so I will test again and hope that the test line has gotten darker. I will call my midwives and see when I can get in for blood hcg and progesterone test. I have the feeling they will make me wait until Wednesday when I am 14 dpo.

My BBT chart looks like total crap! Ha! I would have never thought it was a pregnancy chart. Hopefully this little bean will stick around. I really really hope so. I am taking the fact that line showed up so quickly (even though it isn't dark) at 10 dpo as a good sign.

Here is my sucky chart ...

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