Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Pregnancy induced dreaming

6 weeks 6 days (LMP) 4 weeks 6 days (gestational) 34 dpo

I clearly remember the pregnancy dreams from my pregnancy with Jaida. I can say that it was pretty much the first time in my life that I woke up remembering my dreams and for the most part I wish to this day I could forget them. For the most part the dreams are terrifying. Not neccesarily pregnancy related just scenarios that seem to have to do with my deepest darkest fears and how they manifest themselves in the everyday. Did I mention that they are incredibly vivid and hard to wake up from ... even if in my subconscience I know they are a dream and want to wake up. I have had a series of these dreams every night for the last three nights. They leave me feeling a bit unsettled.

The nausea has subsided quite a bit. I think it might be due to the supplement I am taking along with my PNV. It is called FolTX and has a mega dose of folic acid, Vitamin B6 and B12 in it and is suppose to help keep the blood homocysteine leves down to reduce clotting problems. I guess it has the added benefit of keeping nausea under control. :) So far things really have been quite different than with Jaida. I know it is still early and all but still by this time with Jaida I was already dealing with pulling, pinching and cramping as my uterus stretched, heartburn, and terrible nausea. I really don't have any of those so far. I am quite tired but I just basically go to bed extra early and that seems to keep that in check. I am quite fortunate that Jaida sleeps through the night and still takes good naps and when she is awake she is quite capable of independent play. I am able to sleep a lot and rest when I need to.

I have my first midwife appointment this afternoon. I will write more about that tomorrow.

My pregnancy calendar says the embryonic sac continues to grow with millions of villi attaching to the placenta. Blood is now circulating throughout the embryo. Also, buds on ends of embryonic arms and legs grow into webs that will become fingers and toes. They look something like the little pictures to the left. Pretty cool!

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