Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Definitely still pregnant

5 weeks (LMP) 3 weeks (gestational)

The developing baby hasn't grown a great deal. It's about 0.05 inch (1.25 mm) long. As early as this week, a plate that will later become the heart has developed. The central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and muscle and bone formation are beginning to take shape. During this time, your baby's skeleton is also starting to form.

Just yesterday I was moaning to Joe that I was feeling too darn good and it was worrying me. I told him that I wish I felt worse just so it was still clear that I am pregnant. This morning was a wish come true. I woke up feeling sea sick so I gulped down a cup of yogurt ... that didn't sit too well so I decided to hold off on eating anything else. I had a regular old gag-fest while trying to brush my teeth also. I do feel a bit better now so at least my day won't be shot. It was such a timely reminder that things are going well ... I needed that!

My pregnancy calendar says the embryo is beginning to develop a face, though it still looks outworldly. The baby's head, body and sac are the same size. Also, the embryo becomes three layers. The outer layer becomes the brain, nerves, and skin. The middle layer becomes the bones, muscles, blood vessels, heart, and sex organs. The inner layer becomes the stomach, liver, intestines, lungs, and urinary tract. And the placenta becomes fully functional. No small wonder I feel so tired ... the bean has been quite busy this week!

From Visembryo:

Appearance of Somites

1.5 - 2.5 mm

19 - 21 days post-ovulation

By stage 9, if you could look at the embryo from a top view, it would resemble the sole of a shoe with the head end wider than the tail end, and a slightly narrowed middle.

Somites, which are condensations composed of mesoderm, appear on either side of the neural groove. The first pair of somites appear at the tail and progress to the middle. One to three pairs of somites are present by Stage 9.

Every ridge, bump and recess now indicates cellular differentiation.

A head fold rises on either side of the primitive streak. The primitive streak now runs between one-fourth to one-third of the length of the embryo.

Secondary blood vessels now appear in the chorion/placenta. Hematopoietic cells appear on the yolk sac simultaneously with endothelial cells that will form blood vessels for the newly emerging blood cells.

Endocardial (muscle) cells begin to fuse and form into the early embryo's two heart tubes.

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