Friday, November 04, 2005

This is a VERY strong bean

5 weeks 2 days (LMP) 3 weeks 2 days (gestational)

If nausea is an indication of embryo strength this little bugger is VERY strong! Yesterday was rough, last night was even rougher and today is interesting to say the least. In between raging nausea I have been craving spicy mexican food. I indulged at lunch and have the feeling I am going to live to regret that decision. :)

I really am amazed at how much earlier stuff is happening this time around. The nausea has settled in sooner, my breasts are HUGE (for me), my breasts hurt worse than just about anything I can describe. All of this stuff happened closer to seven weeks with Jaida.

I contacted a doula today. This doula lives in our neighborhood which would be very convienent. I hope she has an opening and is willing to take us. Should know in a couple of days or so.

From Visembryo:

Neural Folds Begin to Fuse, Heart Tube fuses

1.5 - 3.0 mm

21 - 23 days post-ovulation

This stage reflects rapid growth and change as the embryo becomes longer and the yolk sac expands.

On each side of the neural tube, between four and twelve pairs of somites can exist by the end of this stage. The cells which become the eyes appear as thickened circles just off of the neural folds. The cells of the ears are also present.

Neural folds are rising and fusing at several points along the length of the neural tube concomitant with the budding somites which appear to "zipper" the neural tube closed. Neural crest cells will eventually contribute to the skull and face of the embryo.

The two endocardial tubes formed in the last stage fuse in this stage to form one single tube derived from the roof of the nueral tube, which becomes S-shaped and makes the primitive heart asymmetric. As the S-shape forms, cardiac muscle contraction begins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no. I'm both sorry and utterly thrilled at the same time that you're feeling so bad. That's definately a good sign!